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So you know that “I need you”, and my question is “Do you need me”?

Will we ever end up being each other’s destiny?

If your answer is ‘yes’ then let’s put our love to the ultimate test,

Let’s make a toast to this, because you know “I love you the mostest!”

Life is too short to let once in a lifetime opportunities slip by,

We deserve each other and should give our love a try…now I can dry my eyes, because hope is on the rise,

What are we waiting for I ask?

The good years are passing us by…

I want to fully enjoy us in my prime…not having you in my life is like dying before my time,

Co-existing with someone where love runs shallow is life’s biggest crime,

We keep eating the humble pie for the kids sake, I feel like yearzzzzz down the road when we look back we may see that it probably was a mistake,

That very thought scares and worries me,

To know that I lived a life that was not totally free,

Loving someone who you know is a far cry from manifesting into a reality,

Hurts like a jagged dagger through the heart just sitting there for eternity,

Life’s biological clock is ticking away,

Leaving me wondering when will be the day?

The waiting game has been activated long ago,

And I often think how much longer can I sit in the back row,

Watching a life that should’ve been mine,

I guess I just need to go catch up with time,

My mind often wanders into these magical scenes,

It’s time to wake up…Wake Up…WAKE UP…breathe!

Stay serene….

My dear it was just a dream,

Is it right to even thank God for what we have?

Often times I feel guilt that I’m in love with another?

These emotions and feelings seem so right…

It’s just about impossible for me to even think about “the flight”,

God gives mankind free will to do as we please, but to him I forever remain on my knees,

Asking why did my life take the detours from the path that was before me!?!?!!?

God just keeps telling me that I have to wait and see.

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