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I’m hungry, but not of starvation, 

I hunger for love and appreciation,


I hunger for happiness and for what I feel has been missing,

The soul and creation of our dear Lords blessings,


 A mother’s love, the stability of a father,

A tender kiss from a significant other,


The joy of a family!!! Oh, I don’t ask for much,

Or am I asking for something that was possibly not meant for me to clutch???


And so she prayed on her knees she came one day – face full of tears,

She began her prayer with; dear Lord  I’ve been raped, hurt, abused, torn,

and lost for many days, and many of my years,


I’ve searched for peace and soliditary, but pain is all I’ve found,


So many times I tried to avoid the fall, yet always,

continuously stumbled right back down,


Give me strength, father, guide me in the right direction and let me see the light,

Please father hear my voice it speaks from my heart, please guide me through these lonely nights,  


All I’ve ever wanted was to be happy, but pain and suffering is what I’ve received,

 I don’t deserve this, Lord, it’s been like this since I was thirteen,


I am now a woman and I understand I wouldn’t be who I am today,

Some of my decisions I am partly to blame for I didnt heed your wise words, and sovreign way,


I have seen, but been blind, and didn’t see the signs that you had sent,  

I am in your hands, Lord do with me as you please,




Her prayers are now raised as from her knees she rises, into her bed she goes,

So many difficult decisions have been placed on such a young soul,


How does she manage to survive as violations crept in thru her bedroom door,

How can one grow with pain such as these told and confided in parents who find ways  not to believe and instead simply ignore,


Branded for life, mentally and physically she is now cold,

Walking thru life everyday seeking warmth and self control,


Never understanding the reasons why life brought her all this pain,

Never knowing the answers to why she was called a liar, casted away, and always to blame,


She has now blossomed into a flower with the sweetest nectar known to man,

Very cautious she is now a days from all the lessons from her youth taught her to be this way

– lessons learned first hand,


I want to protect her, love her soul, and fulfill her so she no longer hungers  too,

Which is why I chose to marry her, I’m at the altar now staring into her beautiful eyes saying from the depth of my soul loudly and proudly

I DO!!!

I will be your father and protector, for you I will always fight,

I will be there to hold you when you awake from nightmares and let you know that all is alright,


I will not abandon you, on my life please believe my words,

My actions show you alone that these statements aren’t absurd,

They are truthful and meant by every means,

 I will ensure your soul hungers no more and will make everyday a happy and peaceful dream.


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One response to ““HER SOUL HUNGERS””

  1. Beautiful piece! Brought tears to my eyes….Thank God for his healing and comforting peace. Hallelujah! Glooooo-ray!

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