
“here we are”

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short on words, but big on thoughts
at the end of the day you’re all i’ve got,
all i ever look for and all i’ve ever sought,
pieces of my broken heart i pick up and carefully place inside this precious box,
when does this painful thumping ever stop?
when do the memories end and moments become times i forgot,
i’m crying in the cold and many mistake my tears for sweat because it is hot,
maybe i’m doing this to myself…..i think of you a lot,
your pictures i watch,
i don’t look at time anymore i don’t wear a watch,
just me and this gold chain that to me my parents gifted and bought,
my hands back in the cookie jar again red handed and caught,
for years i’ve fought,
used masterfully the skills i was taught,
even in defeat i’ve been fortunate to move up a notch,
considered for another slot,
in life i’ve missed several shots,
kept right on shooting though despite the if’s, and’s, and what not’s,
you’ve always been able to reach, nurture, and touch my soft spots,
with you there was never an ulterior motive or plot,
my love, our love, you never ever decided to boycott,
even in times when your heart or my heart was balled up in knots,
no puppets, makeup, no masquerades, and no mascots,
the real you is what you gave to me – it is what i always got,
if you keep watering the seeds there is no way that they can ever rot,
oh my what would i do without your affectionate love, sexy rubs, shirts and pants or shorts that show your ass and bust, this ain’t lust, just crazy real us and you passionately screaming “don’t stop!!!!!!”,
short on words, but big on thoughts
at the end of the day you’re all i ever needed…. you’re all i’ve got,
all i ever look for and all i’ve ever sought,
pieces of my broken heart i pick up and carefully place inside this precious box,

here we are.

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