
“Help me forget all that hurts me”

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First taste and I was sold,
Temporary satisfactions put the pain on hold,
More of you was needed, the word was spread and of you stories were told,
Upped my dosage of you as it became needed and I became more bold,
Days with you were glorious while nights without you were extremely difficult,
So cold,
Undeterred my heart wouldn’t leave you, couldn’t stop needing you, it wouldn’t fold,
It wouldn’t burn the bridge or allow doors to close,
Forced me into seclusion for weeks and months wearing the same clothes,
Love uncontrolled,
Ether to my soul,
I just want back what you stole,
Instantly saw you and since that moment me you’ve trolled,
I allowed you to play me like dough,
Shape me, flatten me, in your hands I was rolled,
You took over me and that’s what now shows,
Look in my eyes and find what is deeply seeded, rooted, and soon to sprout from the mold,
Your addition was subtraction to all things now known as old,
You’re welcomed every moment of every day as you’re my newness tallied up and polled, 
My heart has been torn, broken and screamed at – scold, 
So I take your hand inhaling deeply with blindfold, 
There’s a first time for everything and also the last time follows – behold, 
Consider my commitment as good as solid gold, 
As I cry like a felon set free that has been paroled, 
As I turn and say “Goodbye” to love………
My back to love and tears flowing fully I say “please make me forget all that has hurt me”, 
To you I am now enrolled.

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