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How can the words “I love you” come out of your mouth when you chose to walk away?
How can you say you’d still choose me – when you didn’t when you had me thru good, bad, night or day?

 How can you say you want things to be – just not now, but someday?
What makes you think I’ll wait that long for love to forever stay?

How can you break a bond, a family with choices you decided to make,
How could you fight the feelings and emotions of love – pure love no matter what it’d take?

Why aren’t you willing to change?
Is it fear that keeps you from experiencing life and makes you so afraid?

Why won’t you take a chance to see love as pure and as intense as it can be?
Why would you ever decide to try and take our babies away from me?

 Why wouldn’t you want the very thing for our kids – that you never had?
Why would you discount me as their father, limit my role as a dad?

Why can’t you see that you’re decisions are only hurting them?
How can it be that we are here and you are seeking new men?

What happened to the love that was so pure and at times so surreal?
Why would you not compromise, work with me, be patient, and allow us to heal?

 How can you not see that in life it takes two and not just one?
How can you not see all the time missed, lost, never to return for things we’ve both done?

How are my wrongs worse than yours?
How can you simply and so easily shut our loves doors?

 Why would we have kids only to damage their growth?
Why would you choose to sever ties instead of nourishing their souls?

 Why would you choose a time like now not to believe?
How could you no longer desire, see, want, need, nor try to see our goals achieved?

 How could you talk to other guys and label them as friends?
How could you turn down a proposal of marriage from your life long friend?

 What happened to that person I fell so deeply in love with?
Tell me at what point did she wrap herself up, and give herself away to be opened as someone else’s gift?

Tell me how can you not see all that I endured for you, for us, and for our family?
What is it that made you go away, find a shell, and underneath bury me?

 Why is it that your love didn’t remain strong?
Why is it that I am alone and no longer have you in my loving arms?

 How can you not see your selfishness?
How can you place blame and say that my mistakes equal this consequence?
How will you explain to our daughter why daddy isn’t around?
How will you raise our son with any understanding or perspective on men other than the things you view profound?

Why is it that you can’t see for your own eyes?
What has blinded your sight, disabling you, and filled you with fear and lies?

I cannot grasp the meaning of your actions – for they don’t speak the language of love,
Your words do, but how can they not translate into pure, soul filled desire for there to be an us?

?’s?’s?’s?’s is all that I have,
So many questions that when asked they make you so mad,
My life is only lived once and for our kids I will always try,
Daddy will always love you and be there for your happy and tear filled times,

I did the best a man could, as much as he is allowed,
I did make mistakes as any human would and broke promises that I vowed,

 But I am only human, I am just a man,
 I have always apologized and tried – Through questions asked – I tried to understand.
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